We are not a one size fits all clinic. I look at each patient individually. Based on your testing results is how I decide your plan of healing. Our hands on therapies are done to specifically help you. We also test often to make sure we are seeing positive changes.
People come to us all over the state of Utah and the US. When we need to get many appointments in in a quicker amount of time, That is when we do an intensive program
This is where you can come spend anywhere from 2-10 plus days here doing 21-3 sessions a day to get you started on your healing journey.
Once we have the right recipe for you and I understand how your brain is functioning. I will give you an at home prgram just for you to keep you healing as well as a game plan for communication so you can get better.
Rehab equipment, no but it does make it more fun!
Testing is the key component, so I know what your brain needs to heal.
Dr. Seth will prescribe specific brain based exercises to each patient to be completed in and out of the office to help increase the ACTIVATION of specific parts of your brain and nervous system. These exercises could be as simple as watching your your thumb move in a specific pattern at a specific speed to something more complex as completing rotations while moving your arm in a specific movement while watching your thumb move all to a specific beat from a metronome. It all depends on the findings from your exams.
We give all our patients the same amount of education and time but those that commit have the best results. Just as in starting a new workout routine you have to show up at the gym and at home to see the best results.
We enjoy being hands on with your healing here. We do coactivation, meaning activating several parts of the brain at one time, to make sure we can jump start your brain. You may see others doing similar exercises as you but nothing here is cookie cutter it is all catered to where your brain is at and where we are trying to go. (This video is of sports optimization
brain goals)
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