How do we have such a high success rate with Migraine and Headache sufferers? Here is a quick break down in how we do it,
by looking at the brain as the cause and the answer!
In the US over 15% of ALL adults complain about severe headaches or migraines.
Headaches are extremely common, but that does not mean that they are normal.
Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households include someone with migraines. 12% of children and 18% of adults in the U.S. suffer from migraines.
Oh, how many times we have heard this. Brain activation is a wonderful tool with wonderful results!
Yes, we have to adapt to things in life and some diagnosis can make it more difficult, but we have had so many happy patients that have found lasting relief where they no longer have to live in daily pain.
It really is! Through proper testing and then precise brain exercises, here and at home, brings brain activation and, over time, neuroplasticity which can cause great change and symptoms to subside.
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