If you suffer from Migraines/headaches, brain fog, post concussion, traumatic brain injury, pain, muscle recovery, sleep issues, balance and coordination issues breathing complications and issues, and so much more. You need Oxygen therapy!
Increases clarity, focus, sleep, movement, reaction time, training, endurance...
Yes! We have to do an examination to make sure it is safe for you and then we can get you started right away!
We have seen huge improvements of balance (as shown in our balance testing with BTracks). People say they can think clearer, have better focus, better sleep and moods. Commonly people feel a little different as they have been in a fog and pain for so long the relief is a new sensation.
Let us know you would like to book a Live02 session. If you are a new patient you will need to have a physical exam and current patients may need a re-exam.
For most Live02 is very safe but its always best to make sure.
This will be done in your exam. We want to hear from you. We want to help you on your health and recovery journey, so tell us what you are looking for!
Once you have had your visit with Dr. Seth and have decided on your goals and plan. Lets get started!
It is easier and more pleasant to wear or change into more athletic clothes. We do put fans in the room and it is very ventilated but you are doing physical activity and will sweat. You will have a oxygen mask assigned to you. It is our job to keep it and clean between sessions. We will assist you in getting your mask on correctly and talk you through your specified session.
Drink plenty of water and eat well. Enjoy the benefits and we will see you next time!
Oxygen heals the brain. Live02 super-oxygenates the brain in minutes.
Goal: Establish simultaneous maximum of blood flow and oxygen blood concentration to the brain to enable healing and optimize function. When should it be Used? Anytime maximum neurological or cognitive performance is necessary.
Detox Intensity: Medium Time: 15 minutes
How often: Once daily typical; twice daily for health restoration
Typical Response: Optimize physical and mental performance. Usually results in measurable improvement in cognitive function, executive function, mood and motor control.
Effects: Significant effects on all body systems and immune systems.
Explanation: This usage guide creates simultaneous maximums of blood flow and oxygen concentration to the brain. Simultaneous maximums do not occur in any other known method. The conditions that trigger maximum blood flow are created by minimum oxygenation. Conversely, the conditions of maximum oxygen availability, normally trigger minimum oxygen flow.
Benefits: Typical benefits include rapid optimization of neurological and cognitive function. Further, maximum known oxygenation for liver and kidneys to aid health restoration for conditions that may be related to inflammation in these organ systems, also beneficial for immunological performance.
Common Questions:
How does LiveO2 compare to Ozone Therapy?
Ozone is an oxidizing agent and has little or no effect on the body’s ability to produce energy. Live02 optimizes energy production but does not cause oxidation like ozone. They have completely different effects.
How is LiveO2 different from Hydrogen Therapy?
Hydrogen therapy introduces H2 into the body which serves as a very mobile anti-oxidant. The body normally makes hydrogen in the gut, but hydrogen deficiency can occur resulting in increased oxidative stress. Live02 provides oxygen which drives energy metabolism. Oxygen is the master anti-oxidant so it is a much stronger and more plentiful anti-oxidant than hydrogen. Both are compatible and can be used at the same time.
Will LiveO2 help edema or any other medical condition?
Lve02 is an oxygen trainer. It is helpful for any condition that is directly or indirectly a result of tissue oxygen deficiency. This is no different than using water to fix hydration. Conditions like edema have unknown causes which may, or may not include oxygen deficiency. If the cause of an edema (swelling) is an oxygen deficiency - oxygen will help. If the cause of an edema is not oxygen deficiency it will not.
Live02 is the fastest known method to deliver extra oxygen tissues.
Several different methods, including both hyperbaric and exercise increase tissue oxygen levels. The easiest way to determine if a health issue is a result of oxygen deficiency is to try Live02. If Live02 improves a condition - oxygen deficiency is a factor in the condition.
(information available on Live)2 website)
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